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This section is about adapting Kerko for specific regions or languages. For this purpose, the main issues to consider are:

  • The language of the user interface. Kerko defaults to English but translations for languages are available. To configure a language other than English, see BABEL_DEFAULT_LOCALE. If no translation is available for the desired language, or if the existing translation needs to be updated, see Translating Kerko and Translating KerkoApp below.
  • The timezone to apply when displaying times. To configure the timezone, see BABEL_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE.
  • The language and locale used by Zotero, which determines the display names of fields, item types, and author types, and can impact citation formatting as well. To configure this, see kerko.zotero.locale.
  • The language analysis applied by the Whoosh search engine. To configure this, see

Translating Kerko

Kerko translations are managed with Babel.

The following commands should be executed from the root Kerko directory (the one that contains babel.cfg), and the virtual environment must have been activated beforehand.

Create or update the PO template (POT) file. Replace CURRENT_VERSION with the current Kerko version:

pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o src/kerko/translations/kerko.pot --project=Kerko --version=CURRENT_VERSION --copyright-holder="Kerko Contributors" src/kerko

Create a new PO file (for a new locale) based on the POT file. Replace YOUR_LOCALE with the appropriate language code, e.g., de, es, fr:

pybabel init -l YOUR_LOCALE -D kerko -i src/kerko/translations/kerko.pot -d src/kerko/translations

Update an existing PO file based on the POT file:

pybabel update -l YOUR_LOCALE -D kerko -i src/kerko/translations/kerko.pot -d src/kerko/translations

Compile MO files:

pybabel compile -l YOUR_LOCALE -D kerko -d src/kerko/translations --statistics

Contributing your translation

You are welcome to contribute your translation. See Submitting a translation. It is only thanks to user contributions that Kerko is available in multiple languages.

Translating KerkoApp

Although most user interface messages come from Kerko, KerkoApp also has messages of its own, and thus its own separate translation file.

KerkoApp translations are managed with Babel.

The following commands should be executed from the root KerkoApp directory (the one that contains babel.cfg), and the virtual environment must have been activated beforehand.

Create or update the PO file template (POT). Replace CURRENT_VERSION with your current KerkoApp version:

pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o kerkoapp/translations/messages.pot --project=KerkoApp --version=CURRENT_VERSION --copyright-holder="Kerko Contributors" kerkoapp

Create a new PO file (for a new locale) based on the POT file. Replace YOUR_LOCALE with the appropriate language code, e.g., de, es, it:

pybabel init -l YOUR_LOCALE -i kerkoapp/translations/messages.pot -d kerkoapp/translations

Update an existing PO file based on the POT file:

pybabel update -l YOUR_LOCALE -i kerkoapp/translations/messages.pot -d kerkoapp/translations

Compile MO files:

pybabel compile -l YOUR_LOCALE -d kerkoapp/translations